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Create a dove, call for peace.

This is the moment for children to take the stage and for the world to listen. Be part of this!

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Three origami doves

How this is going to become real?

Children around the world are invited to create and share with the United Nations a dove in origami with their messages written inside, as a symbolic representation of their voice and plea for the protection of their rights and for peace. The origami collected will then be used to create an art piece to be exhibited at the United Nations in New York in 2026. More information to come.




  1. Download the toolkit and build your own origami dove.
  2. Write a message of peace inside the origami dove addressing world leaders.
  3. Send your origami dove to United Nations. We are collecting origamis around the world.
  4. An art piece will be created with all the origami doves collected and will be displayed at the United Nations in New York.

Would you like to contribute with your dove of peace?

Let’s create it!

Video file

Step-by-step folding instructions

Step 1

Take a square piece of paper.

Step 2

Draw or write a message to the world leaders if you wish to and turn it to make it a diamond shape.

Step 3

Fold the bottom corner up to the top corner and create a crease.

Step 4

Unfold it, and fold the opposite corners together to create a second crease.

Step 5

Leaving it folded in the shape of a triangle, fold the left-hand corner up to the meet the top centre point. Fold in place.

Step 6

Do the same for the right-hand corner.

Step 7

Now fold it backwards in half along the centre crease. You will have a triangle shape.

Step 8

Turn your triangle upside down so the long side is at the top. (The side that can open should be on the right-hand side).

Step 9

Now, take the left-hand point and fold it down to meet the bottom centre point. Make a crease.

Step 10

Open it up again. The crease should look like this.

Step 11

Now fold the bottom centre point (top layer only) to meet the top edge.

Step 12

Open it up again. The crease should look like this.

Step 13

Now, use your left index finger to hold the paper down. Insert the fingers of your right hand between the top layer of paper on the right-hand side and push the paper up gently with your right thumb to make a wing.

Step 14

A diagonal crease should meet the top edge of the paper. Create a hard fold here on the bottom of the wing

Step 15

Turn it over.

Step 16

Now take the right-hand point and fold it down to meet the bottom centre point. Make a crease.

Step 17

Open it up again.

Step 18

Now fold the bottom centre point to meet the top edge. Open it up again.

Step 19

Use your right index finger to hold the paper down. Insert the fingers of your left hand between the top layer of paper on the left-hand side and push the paper up gently with your left thumb to make the second wing.

Step 20

Fold in place.

Step 21

To make the tail, fold the bottom longer section over the line in the middle of the body.

Step 22

Create a crease.

Step 23

Flip it over and do the same on the other side. Open it up.

Step 24

Now fold the tail in half so that the long edge meets the edge of the body.

Step 25

Create hard crease on this new line in the middle of tail.

Step 26

Open it up again. It should look like this.

Step 27

Do the same on the other side.

Step 28

Slide your thumb into the gap at the base of the tail, and press down on the top crease so that it folds down into the centre.

Step 29

Now take the outer flaps and fold them downwards over the body to create the tail.

Step 30

To make the head, make a small fold at the top corner. Unfold, and do the same on the other side. Unfold.

Step 31

Now open up the head section, and gently push the fold inside. You have made the beak.

Step 32